Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 1 in Babylon!

The St. Thomas'-St. Alban's joint Vacation Bible School began this evening. Here are some scenes from our first adventure in Babylon.

Bobbie Pipes and Mary Beth Weaks staff the registration table.

Learning the motions to "Awesome God," one of our theme songs.

Mother Dawnell is head of the Tribe of Asher.
Buying food in the Babylon Food Court from head cook Charles Smith.
Starting a weaving project at weaver Grace Houston's tent.
Listening to Daniel tell his story.
                       VBS in Babylon continues Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurday, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., at St. Alban's. Bring your kids or grandkids and/or come to have some fun and help.