Diocesan Grants for Small Congregation
Youth Work are available.
by Joy Owensby
you are part of a small congregation that is trying to strengthen its
ministry to young people, you may be eligible for a diocesan grant.
Parishes with an average Sunday
attendance of 100 or less are invited to apply for funds to subsidize
innovative start-up, one-time projects, programs, or events that will
have an ongoing impact on ministry to children and/or youth.
These awards are designed to nurture these specific ministry areas and will not be offered to support general operating expenses. The size of each grant will depend
upon the total number of grant proposals approved for funding.
All applications should be received by July 15, 2013. They will be reviewed by the Christian Formation Commission, and grant recipients will be announced
September 1, 2013. While it is hoped that grants will continue to be offered beyond 2013, the availability is only guaranteed for this year.
For further information or an application form, contact Joy Owensby, jowensby@diocesewla.org.
-Joy Owensby is the Missioner for Children, Youth and Young Adults of the
Diocese of Western Louisiana.