With the help of The Weather Channel, I've been tracking Tropical Storm Isaac as best as possible. You are all in my thoughts and prayers as this storm heads in our direction.
Tomorrow and Thursday we have scheduled General Convention Wrap Up Conversations in Alexandria and Monroe Convocations, respectively. Given the unpredictability of the storm's path and it's possibly destructive effects, I have decided to postpone these meetings for another time. A new schedule will be available soon.
Rescheduling these meetings will also allow us more time and flexibility to respond pastorally to the needs of those affected by the storm. The Rev. Liz Ratcliffe is our chair for disaster relief. Her successor in this ministry is the Rev. Mitzi George. Both have spoken with me and with each other in anticipation of the storm's arrival.
Our Interim Camp Director Jason Ezell has notified me that Camp Hardtner is prepared to receive evacuees. Should these measures be needed, Mtr. Liz suggests an excellent way to help. In order for Camp to offer hospitality to guests, supplies of diapers, soap, shampoo, playing cards, and art supplies for children would be very helpful.
Please share this email with people in your parishes. Let's continue to pray for those in the storm's path and offer ourselves as the hands of Christ in the ways that present themselves to us.
Blessings to you all.
In Christ's Love,
The Rt. Rev. Jacob W. Owensby, Ph.D.
The Diocese of Western Louisiana
P. O. Box 2031, Alexandria, Louisiana 71309-2031